
Press Coverage


  • Social-Emotional Development in the First Three Years, Issue Brief (p.7), Pennsylvania State University, April 2018

  • Community Connections, Case Studies, Yale-New Haven Health System - Child First, The American Hospital Association, June 7, 2017

  • Digby Diehl, To Improve Health and Health Care, (Jossey-Bass, 2012), Volume XV, 279-305.

  • Lowell et al., Child Development, Raising Healthy Children, A Randomized Controlled Trial of Child FIRST: A Comprehensive Home-Based Intervention Translating Research Into Early Childhood Practice, Volume 82, Issue 1,pages 193–208, January/February 2011.

  • Crusto, C.A. Lowell, D.I., Paulicin, B., Reynolds, J., Feinn, R., Friedman, S. R., & Kaufman, J. S. (2008). Evaluation of a Wraparound Process for Children Exposed to Family Violence. Best Practices in Mental Health: An International Journal, 4(1), 1-18.

  • Crusto, C.A., Whitson, M.L., Feinn, R., Gargiulo, J., Holt, C., Paulicin, B., Simmons, W., & Lowell, D.I. (2013). Evaluation of a Mental Health Consultation Intervention in Preschool Settings. Journal of Infant Mental Health, 9(2), 1-21.


  • Child First is recognized by the National Registry for Effective Programs and Practices (NREPP) of the Federal Substance Abused and Mental Health Services Administrations (SAMHSA) as an evidence-based “Effective” intervention.
  • Child First is recognized by the British Early Intervention Foundation (EIF) as “Evidenced-based.” EIF is an independent charity and What Works Centre which champions and supports the use of effective early intervention for children with signals of risk.
  • Child First received an award from the NC Council on Community Program along with its NC partner Trillium, 2016 Programs of Excellence Award for Best Practices.
  • Child First was invited to participate on October 17, 2016 in a showcase at the White House of “What Works” for “My Brother’s Keeper,” an initiative of President Obama.
  • In October 2011, Child First was designated by Health and Human Services (HHS) as one of the national, “evidence-based home visiting models” of the federal Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (MIECHV). This was based on a comprehensive review of Child First research and outcomes. The results of this review may be found at Home Visiting Evidence of Effectiveness. This designation gives states access to MIECHV funding for Child First replication.
  • Child First was included as part of a successful competitive MIECHV expansion grant for Connecticut. This three year federal grant funds eight Child First affiliate sites.
  • Child First was featured as an evidence-based home visiting program at the National Conference of State Legislators’ Summit “Investing in Families through State Home Visiting Programs," in Hartford, CT in June 2012.
  • The Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, rated Child First as “Near Top Tier” in 2012. This organization identifies the most promising interventions, using evidence to advocate for government support. Only three early childhood programs have met this standard.
  • Child First was recognized by the Social Impact Exchange as an S&I 100 non-profit in 2012.
  • Connecticut Hospital Association and Department of Public Health gave Child First at Bridgeport Hospital the 2007 Award for Community Service.
  • American Hospital Association Behavioral Health Task Force Report cited Child First as a model behavioral health service strategy in 2007.